Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Are You a Living Thing? The "MR. NIGER D" Saga (Episode 2)

Yesterday, we started this series, and I made it clear that it would last for close to 2 weeks, if not more than, and we looked at the first letter in "MR. NIGER D" - Movement (you can read up yesterday's post @ http://goo.gl/5lqLMi ). Today, we shall continue with "Movement" as we shall examine "THE OBSTACLES OF MOVEMENT".

It is a very simple truth that all living things want to move, but many a times, there are some factors that hinder them from moving at all, or that hinder them from moving the way they want to. Using humans as an example of living things, below are few of the numerous obstacles of movement.

- Lack of Information
- Lack of enthusiasm
- Satisfaction with the present position
- Lack of Confidence
- Inability to Decide
- Fear of the Unknown
- Pains from the past, etc.

For the sake of time, we shall consider only the last point - Pains from the Past. The scars and pains of one or two past encounters form the obstacle of movement in the life of some people. They have been through a lot over the years. Their eyes have seen "hell", and as a result of this, they've made up their mind towards somethings in life, and this very decision has been hindering them from moving forward. I understand what you passed through. I know the scars still stare at your face and challenge you to a fight. I understand the fact that the experience battered you without mercy, but, this is the time to MOVE. Don't allow your past to put your back on the ground. May God grant you the strength to move forward IJN. AMEN

Don't forget to join me tomorrow as we look at RESPIRATION, and if you need me to explain any of the above points or you need more clarification/question/comment or counselling, feel free to call/message me via +2348072970850, and if you want to always receive DAILY DIET directly on your phone via Whatsapp? Then, simply send a message to +2348072970850, and your number would be added to our broadcast list. You can aswell include the number of your friend(s) who you want to always receive the message too.


Inspirational Speaker & Business Consultant,
TYO Konsult Service.
+2348072970850 (Whatsapp or calls).


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