Saturday, November 9, 2013


 When I was walking in the wilderness of life
 And in my hands are fragments of my heart
 For my heart was broken, not with knife
 But, due to the heaviness in my heart.
 I tried all I could to put the fragments together
 I even went to my sister, brother and father
 But their fragments were more than they can gather.
 So, I determined to move further.

 On my way, I met a man,
 He said He was a potter
 And that my fragments, He can put together.
 He took me to His house, the Potter's house
 And in His house are many amended hearts.
 He took my fragments, mended them
 And behold, a new heart.

 Although, He healed my heart a long time ago,
 But to me, it was just like yesterday.
 And it is free for all,
 The map, the direction, to

         (C) 2011 Austus Ofmat Nwanne


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