Sunday, January 18, 2015


One thing leads to another. If you do me, I'll do you. If you push me, I'll push you. I'm a quite person, but if you strike me once, I'll react twice. The above is just a perfect explaination of IRRITABILITY. A living thing should be able to react/respond to stimulus or to events around him/her. This response/reaction can come in various ways. Ranging from violence down to silence. The bottom line is that a human being must react/respond.

This very part of the MR. NIGER D would lead us into talking about ANGER, and how to control/respond to it, and we'll be dwelling so much on this very aspect for a little longer before moving to the next. Before going further, I would like to clear the air on 1 or 2 questions that might confuse us.

1. IS IT RIGHT FOR ME TO GET ANGRY: My anwer to this is that, there is nothing wrong is one getting angry. It clearly show your dis-satisfaction towards what you've seen or heard. But, what is wrong about anger is how you respond to it. If your response to whatever makes you angry is harsh and violent, then, that is wrong. But, if you're able to manage the situation very well, then, kudos to you.

Join me on Monday as we continue with the question, "AM I SUPPOSE TO ACT COOL IN ALL SITUATIONS THAT MAKE ME ANGRY?". Also, if you have one or two questions you'll want us to address, kindly inbox/text it to me or send it to the e-mail below, and if you want to always receive DAILY DIET directly on your phone via Whatsapp? Then, simply send a message to +2348072970850, and your number would be added to our broadcast list. You can aswell include the number of your friend(s) who you want to always receive the message too.

Have an amazing weekend !!!

Austus Ofmat Nwanne
Inspirational and Public Speaker,
TYO Konsult Services.
+2348072970850 (Calls and Whatsapp)


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