Friday, January 30, 2015


It is very good and polite for a child to always knock at his/her father's room's door before entering. Infact, it is very important that a child learns this principle and protocol from a very young age because the lesson would stick with him for long. BUT...a child could decide to forget and let go of all protocols and principles of knocking when there is a very pressing issue that calls for the attention of his/her father. If the child does this, the father would not see it as any form of indiscipline because the father would understand that "there is fire on the mountain".

The above analogy simply explains how we can enter the Throne of Grace with total boldness. Before Christ, the priests enter God's presence with all protocols duely observed, but after His death and victory, we can now enter with boldness.

Here is my point, you're dying within. You're fighting within, and behold, here is your victory from within. I don't know what it is that you're struggling with underneath your carpet. I don't know how long you've been fighting it, but here is how to conquer...someone fought this battle on your behalf years ago, and He won. Not only did He win, He made a public disgrace of those things underneath your carpet. Guess what? He has given you the victory. All you have to do is to simply BELIEVE. If you were expecting me to list out uncountable ways to get rid of those things underneath your carpet, I'm sorry to tell you that those things would not work. What you need to get rid of those ugly things underneath your carpet is to BELIEVE that Christ has fought and won your battle.

Have a nice weekend, and don't forget to join me tomorrow for the concluding part of this series. Your well being is my passion. For more questions, comments and contributions, feel free to message me, and if you would like to receive Daily Diet on your phone via Whatsapp or you have a friend you'll want us to add his/her name to our broadcast list, kindly send a message to +2348072970850.

Remember, it's not over until it's over, and it's never over with Christ !!!

Inspirational Speaker and Business Consultant,
TYO Konsult Services.
+2348072970850 (Calls and Whatsapp)


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