By now, I'm sure some people would have known that this series is meant only for those who have one or two things they are really passing through or struggling with deep down in their heart. Hence, this series might not totally be what you want to read if you don't have any thing "underneath your carpet". Yesterday, we establish the fact that many of us that have some very serious and personal things we're passing through find it very difficult to tell people. This could be as a result of the magnitude of the issue or because we've not been able to get who we can trust enough to confide in. At that, we are the only soldier fighting against what looks like a batalion in our heart.
How about if I tell you that you're not alone in that fight? Hiw about if I tell you that someone has been helping you to fight the battle, and that's why you have not been defeated all this while (eventhough you've not fully won)? How about if I shock you that that very battle going on under your carpet is a very small battle? Lozzzz.....I can imagine you saying something like, "Ofmat does not know what I'm passing through, that's why he could say it's a small battle". Yes. I might not know what you're passing through. Infact, I'm not after what you're passing through. Rather, I'm after you walking out of that battle VICTORIOUS.
The battle is not of you, but of the Lord. Yes. It's possible for you to be victorious. Join me tomorrow as we celebrate your victory underneath your carpet with the episode, "VICTORY WITHIN". For more questions, comments and contributions, feel free to message me, and if you would like to receive Daily Diet on your phone via Whatsapp or you have a friend you'll want us to add his/her name to our broadcast list, kindly send a message to +2348072970850.
Remember, it's not over until it's over, and it's never over with Christ !!!
Inspirational Speaker and Business Consultant,
TYO Konsult Services.
+2348072970850 (Calls and Whatsapp)
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