The carpet delibrately or undelibrately with-holds dirts, and these dirts over a period of time accumulate, and turn into unplesant and unpresentable "monsters" underneath our carpets. Now, let's hit the nail right on the head. Your heart is the carpet we've been talking about since yesterday, and I'm very sure that there are some of us who have some very painful things that are hurting us deep down in our heart. These things might be some personal experience(s) we pass through every now and then, and it might be too disgraceful that we can't discuss it with people. Hence, we bear it within us, and we keep enduring.
Some people's carpet are filled with series of particular bad dreams they have every now and then. Some ladies could be experiencing some nasty and undiscuss-able things. Yours might be a particular ailment you've been battling with over a period of time, and every now and then, you feel dejected due to this ailment. Someone's carpet might be filled with series of heartbreaks that have inturn make the person to loose self-esteeem. I don't know what you have underneath your carpet that you're try to cover with beautiful clothes and wonderful smile everynow and then, but is really killing you within. These things might have push you to a particular point in life that you're now dying within...
You know what? I have goodnews for. You can fight your way through it. Yes. I know you don't know how to fight your way through those dirts underneath your carpet which you can't share with anybody. So, let's meet tomorrow as we examine the next phase of this series: FIGHTING WITHIN. For more questions, comments and contributions, feel free to message me, and if you would like to receive Daily Diet on your phone via Whatsapp or you have a friend you'll want us to add his/her name to our broadcast list, kindly send a message to +2348072970850.
Remember, it's not over until it's over, and it's never over with Christ !!!
Inspirational Speaker and Business Consultant,
TYO Konsult Services.
+2348072970850 (Calls and Whatsapp)
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