We're still on Irritability, and I've made us understand that we would be loking at this part of "Mr. Niger D" from "ANGER" perspective. We shall continue with some fundamental questions on Anger.
**AM I SUPPOSE TO ACT COOL IN ALL ANGER SITUATIONS?: I use to have a friend who strongly believes that if you act too cool at times people would take you for granted, and they would ride on you the way they want. Well, as for me, I hold contrary view to that. You that have to create a scene and upturn a whole place before people would stop taking you for granted. That is where Wisdom comes in.
I have also come to understand that anger is feeling/emotion, just as love, hatred, lust, etc, are also feelings. One common feature to all these (including anger) is that they can all be controlled. Your ability to rise above that very event which is annoying you goes a long way to show hiw mature you are. Below are ways to control your anger:
1. BE SWIFT TO HEAR, BUT SLOW TO REACT: One of the things that increases one's range is when one keeps talking about what makes one angry. This has a very bad way of increasing one's anger, and if care is not taken, one would have over-reacted before coming to one's senses. So, when ever you're angry, try as much as possible to keep quite because 2 wrongs don't make a right.
2. LEAVE THE VERY PLACE WHERE YOU'RE ANGERED: The first antedote for anger would not be so effective if you still remain at the place where you're angered because sooner or later, you'll be forced to say something. So, whenever you're angry, find a way to leave that very place, and go somewhere else to calm your mind. You can come back later when your mind is well relaxed.
I hope this post helps you a lot this week in your dealings with friends and family. Join me tomorrow as we look at the other measures of controlling ANGER. Also, if you have one or two questions you'll want us to address, kindly inbox/text it to me or send it to the e-mail below, and if you want to always receive DAILY DIET directly on your phone via Whatsapp? Then, simply send a message to +2348072970850, and your number would be added to our broadcast list. You can aswell include the number of your friend(s) who you want to always receive the message too.
Inspirational Speaker and Business Consultant,
TYO Konsult Services.
+2348072970850 (Calls and Whatsapp)
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