Yes! We are making progress, and we are gradually coming to the end of this series. We've looked at Movement, Respiration, Nutrition, Irritability, Growth, and today, we shall progress to Excretion. Simply put, excretion has to do with the passing-out of 'waste products' from our body system, and as humans, there are many ways to pass out waste products from the body. It could be as sweat, urine, feaces, to name but 3.
Without boring you with most of all what you already know about the body excretion, I'll want to re-establish that excretion is a vital thing for living things. As humans, there are somethings we should allow out of our system (I'm not talking about urine or sweat this time around). There are some past events we just need to put behind us and move on. These events could be some particular wrongs some people did to us. These offences could have hurt us to our bones that we've sworn never to forgive the person. My brother, my sister, you need to excrete those wrongs. You need to see them as 'waste products' and do away with them. Remember that, the more you excrete, the lighter you'll become, and the race of life is meant for those that can carry light loads, not those that carry heavy loads.
Let's still meet tomorrow as we examine REPRODUCTION. Also, if you have one or two questions you'll want us to address, kindly inbox/text it to me or send it to the e-mail below, and if you want to always receive DAILY DIET directly on your phone via Whatsapp? Then, simply send a message to +2348072970850, and your number would be added to our broadcast list. You can aswell include the number of your friend(s) who you want to always receive the message too. You can check out all the previous episodes (1 - 9) of this series @ www.tyobstacle.blogspot.com
Have a great Friday !!!
Inspirational Speaker and Business Consultant,
TYO Konsult Services.
+2348072970850 (Calls and Whatsapp)
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