To start with, I must warn you that this very post is not for everybody. You don't need to read it if you know you are not a leader, and you don't intend to become one. You can aswell ignore the post if you know that you don't intend to get to the top. If you're still reading this post by now, then that means you belong to the category of those who want to lead or are currently leading in life. Before I came across a particular quote about 3 years ago, I used to believe that life is just all about how best I can handle a position, and how effective I can deliver DURING my time of handling the position or office. My perception changed when I came across this quote; "you are not a success until you have a successful successor". This quote made me to have a re-think. I began to see that no matter how best and effective I act during the time I'm handling a position, if my successor does not succeed, then, I'm a failure. This gave me the need to always look around for who to REPRODUCE before I leave a place.
REPRODUCTION. Without any apology, I can make bold to tell you that after your death, you have failed in life if there is nobody to take over from where you stopped in terms of your vision and dreams. Even if the person does not take over from you, let your dreams and vision be the very thing that would help the person to birth his/her own dreams or vision. So, do you think you have succeeded in life, then, SHOW US YOUR SUCCESSOR.
Have a wonderful weekend. Join me tomorrow (Sunday) as we take the last episode of this series. I'm very sure you don't want to miss it. Also, if you have one or two questions you'll want us to address, kindly inbox/text it to me or send it to the e-mail below, and if you want to always receive DAILY DIET directly on your phone via Whatsapp? Then, simply send a message to +2348072970850, and your number would be added to our broadcast list. You can aswell include the number of your friend(s) who you want to always receive the message too. You can check out all the previous episodes (1 - 10) of this series @ www.tyobstacle.blogspot.com
I love you !!!
Inspirational Speaker and Business Consultant,
TYO Konsult Services.
+2348072970850 (Calls and Whatsapp)
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