Yes! You're very right. It's episode 3 of the series we started 2 days ago, and today, we would be examining the first "R" in "Mr. Niger D". R for Respiration, and respiration in another sense can just be said to mean breathing. Breathing is one of the most essential elements of a living thing. Infact, the absence of this very element results to death. There are time we perceive/smell unplesant things, and during these times, we try as much as possible to cover our nose so as to avoid unplesant air from entering our lungs.
As small as it is, the nose is the channel through which a lot of harmful things enter the lungs, and just as it is in breathing, so also it is generally in life. Our eyes and ears are the organs through which a lot of things enter our system. These things could be good or bad, and they go a long in shaping us into who we will become. Just as bad air can gradually affect our lungs, so also what we see and hear can affect our body system, and the most danger here is that the brain is so powerful that it takes a very long time for it to forget what the eyes once saw, and what the ears once heard. So, watch what you look at, and what you hear because they are what makes a part of who you are.
Austus Ofmat Nwanne
Inspirational Speaker and Business Consultant,
TYO Konsult Services.
08072970850 (Calls and Whatsapp)
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