Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Yes. It was a movie, and in the movie, a lady was trying to "bribe" the gods with money simply because what the gods demanded for was kind of too great for her to give, and at that, she decided to "bribe" them with money, a huge money at that. The ritualist involved angrily told her that the gods can't be bribed by what they don"t want...

Immediately, my mind went to we the Christians of nowadays. We want to cut corners. We want to "bribe" God with different things: offering, fast, commitment to God's work, vows and pledges, to mention but few. Can I give you a shocker??? There is no shortcut to getting to the top of a palm tree. So also, there is also no shortcut to getting God's blessings.

Our Heavenly Father is a God of principles, and if you don't follow or obey the principles, you can't bribe Him (although Grace speaks for us at times, but, shall we continue to disobey and pray that Grace would abound?)

Stop cutting corners and stop trying to bribe God. Follow and obey the principles.


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