Monday, January 19, 2015


A wonderful morning to you. It's time for The Other 4 Fingers. THE OTHER 4 FINGERS is a socio-political discussion that seeks to address some pressing issues in our society. The programme aims at looking at our remaining 4 fingers that point back at us, even as we point a particular finger at our political, religious, academic leaders. Its very aim is to ensure that we do our own part as a citizen before pointing any finger at our leaders.

Last week, we looked dropping/littering the floor. This week, we would be looking at another similar instance of littering the country which many of us find so easy to do. Many atimes, when I'm travelling, I'm marveled when I see people throw things from the window, and these things would definately end up littering the road, and if care is not taken, I could lead to an accident, depending on what is thrown. Not only that, some people also find comfort in throwing things in a nearby bush when travelling, and they make it look as if the bush is not someone's farm or it's not close to someone's farm/house.

I accept that our roads are death traps. I accept that the holes on our roads are as big as a pit. I also accept that our leaders are doing little or nothing about the roads. But, we have to keep praying, and while we are praying, let's also WATCH how we throw stuffs on the road/bush when on a journey. So, when next you're travelling, no matter how high the temptation to litter the road, DON'T.


Don't forget to join me next week Tuesday @

Feel free to drop your questions and comments. But for further conversation, Whatsapp or call me via +2348072970850.


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