Monday, January 12, 2015


A wonderful morning to you. I'm sure you had a peaceful night rest. Also, I have no doubt that testimonies would soon be springing forth from the foundational prayers we took last week. As from today, we would be starting a series titled, "ARE YOU A LIVING THING?: THE 'MR. NIGER D' SAGA". This very topic would last for close to 2 weeks as we would take deep look at each of the features in "Mr. Niger D", and the aim is for us to at the end analyze ourselves to know where we are lagging behind. So, without further was of time, let's set to work...

Movement, according to the dictionary is " the act or process of moving; especially : change of place or position or posture". Also, movement is one of the basic features of living things, and it should be established that movement could be in a backward order (retrogression) or in a forward order (progress). But, which ever way, it is still movement. There is a quote that says, "if what you did yesterday still looks great to you, then, you've done nothing today". So, take a critical look at yourself. Are you where you wish to be? Or are you almost there? Are you making progress in life? Are you a living thing as far as movement is concerned? Or, are you still stagnant at a particular position?

Join me tomorrow as we consider the sub-topic, "Obstacles to movement"

Have a nice Tuesday.

Austus Ofmat Nwanne
Inspirational and Public Speaker,
TYO Konsult Services.
08072970850 (Calls and Whatsapp)


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