Monday, December 15, 2014

You as a skyscrapper

I'm not a building constructor, but one thing I know is that, the taller a building would be, the deeper the foundation would be too. Not only that, the depth of the foundation also determines how long it would take for the building to be ready. A storey building can be finished in just a month time, but you'll never expect the same of a skyscrapper. This is because they both don't have the same HEIGHT.

Hmmmmm...I know some of us might be wondering why we are not yet where we want to be. But, has it ever crossed our mind that we are different from others? We are not a storey building, we are skyscrappers, and God is so particular about our foundation.

So, whatever it is you're passing through now, it's part of your foundation as a skyscrapper - ENJOY IT!!!


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Austus Ofmat Nwanne (Mr. Tackle)
Public and Inspirational Speaker
08072970850 (Whatsapp and calls)


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