This is a GUEST POST by one of Delsu's best poets,
ERUVWAVWE O. SOLOMON {Doe Wright}. As a young poet, his works speak for him, and this is just one of his numerous poems. Enjoy it !!!
In a split spit of a Spartan second.
madness is let loose,
Spunning and spurring
Like red earth in red sky.
Confusion arrives almost immediately,
Accompanied by fist and fury.
The air gives way to defeat like Troy.
A fleet of pleasant liquor seizes the moment
And mater minds a long convulsion in action
A black sea of aimless talks ensures
They shout like Congress men in Parliament
In a split of a seasonal second
All seems well again
Laughter drags a feet about
And stupidity cries in deafening thunderbolt.
*Agbero is a Yoruba word for a group of bus conductors. The word is also used to portray a group of noisy and rowdy set of people.
(C) 2013
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