Of all the battles He fought, He never lost out in any. He won all His battles. Even the battle against death, He defeated death flawlessly, after which He asked death, "oh death, where is your poison?" He also battled in hell, and He won there flawlessly as He broke the gate of hell. Those are just few of His numerous won battles.
...and He says, "we are sitted with Christ in Heavenly places, far above principalities and powers..." So, if we are indeed sitted with Christ up there, that means we are as victorious as He is. That means, no matter the battle you might be facing right now, YOU ARE VICTORIOUS. It might be financial battle, spiritual battle, mental battle, whatever battle it might be, YOU ARE VICTORIOUS.
Let the VICTORS have a wonderful weekend !!!
Austus Ofmat Nwanne (Mr. Tackle)
08072970850 (Whatsapp and calls)
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