Monday, March 3, 2014


It hurts me to my bones and marrows to realize that I can't do those things I used to do again. I was an athlete, and in those days I go for morning walk, I jog kilometers, and I even do some body-relieving exercises, but now, all those things are by-gones. Oh! How I wish I could still do them.

You might be in the same situation with me, but, yours might be spiritual retrogression. Before, you burn with fire and zeal for Christ. You've even converted so many souls to the kingdom, and you used to read your Bible and pray like you'll never have the opportunity to do so again. But now, you hardly pray, and even the Bible looks so strange and confusing to you. But guess what???

I see revival in the house today. I see God restoring to you those things you used to do before, and just like Lazarus, the Lord is calling you, saying, "...come forth". 


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