Emeke Nwaoboli
Perhaps you might have wondered why some youths are successful, while others are not. Perhaps you might have been working hard but your hardwork has not been crowned with success; then know that you are doing the right thing in the wrong way. It is so unfortunate that many of our youths are working like the ant and expecting a huge result like the elephant. Luckily, you are in the right place to know the secrets behind a successful youth. Do you know why some of our youths don't succeed? Most youths do not succeed because they fail to plan; and some other times, they plan but don't work towards it. This life is like a novel, you have to edit it before publishing it. This implies that for you to be a successful youth, you must know and abide by certain success principles. These success secrets under-listed:
I do tell people that a man without a golden dream is like a living corpse. For you to be a successful youth, the first secret is that you must have a golden dream. I know you might be asking yourself what it mean to have a golden dream. A golden dream is defined as the bright things you wish to happen to you in life. Moreover, it also means the act of discovering your potentials. Most of our modern youth do not have a dream, and you can never be successful when you don't know your destiny, your talents and your potentials. I remember when I was a child, my class teacher would always ask me what I would love to be in future; then I would say, "I wish to be an Electrical Engineer". However, as I grew up, I discovered that I had the potentials of writing, and not that of an engineer. I also discovered that my destiny was beyond mere words; so I took these secrets of being a successful youth.
Vision is the act of going on a mission in order for you to achieve your ambition. When you have known your dream, pursue your mission and never give up on your vision. The reason why some of our youths are not successful is that they live on imitation. Some youths change their vision and imitate other people's ambition when they see them becoming successful and celebrated. Please, know that for you to be successful, never imitate others. Stick to your vision and never give up on your mission.
Most of your friends can never ameliorate you. Rather, they will deteriorate you. Mind the company you keep; those you think are your best friends could end up being your worst enemies. My uncles always advise me to make friends or get close to those older than I am, because I stand to benefit more from them. Associate with minds that are more experienced and knowledgeable than you are in areas you that will add value to your growing mind. So, if you want to be successful, "filter " your friends and don't tell them your greatest secrets. Remember, it is always better to have friends older than you, because you will be surprised how many great things you will get to learn from them.
Successful people always add "able" to their value to make them valuable. Being a youth of success is good, but you must add extra to your "ordinary " to make you extraordinary. This secret of success requires that you must be a youth needed, and not a youth in need. Unfortunately, there are some youths who appear to be successful but not valuable. As a golden youth, you must be valuable before you ever think of being successful. The creation of value invariably attracts success. Without value, one is valueless. I remember when the Goldsmith who interviewed me before I joined Golden minds asked me, "what do you have to offer this country?" In essence, the salient point is that as a youth, you must have something to offer to your family, community, organisation, country e.t.c.
John F. Kennedy agrees with this when he said, "Ask not what your country can do for you; but ask what you can do for your country". Many of us say that Nigeria is bad! Now, the question is "what have you done to change this nation?" Do not criticise your country when you have done nothing to ameliorate it. Nigeria is a good nation with great people.
The journey to success is not a bed of roses; it is a road of obstacles! Many people give up when they meet an obstacle on their way to success. This clearly shows that they were expecting miracles. An easy way up! Do not expect miracles on your way to success, but expect obstacles here and there. "An obstacle will not say you should not tackle, but it's left to you to spread your tentacles and use your spectacle to tackle your obstacle" once instructed Austus Ofmat Nwanne.
The Holy Bible says that "as a man thinketh, so he is. You can never be successful when you welcome negative thoughts. Let the thoughts of your heart be positive, because whatever you think of always come to you". "What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve", says Napoleon Hill. Never say "I can't", but always profess good things in your mind. You are whom you think you are. If you think you are a failure, you become a failure; but if you think you are a victor, then you will elevate from doom to boom. I can further buttress this point through the 'Law of attraction' which states that "you attract to your life whatever you think about". In a nutshell, it simply means that your predominant thoughts will always come to pass. Your thought is like a stranger in your house; if you welcome him exuberantly, he will stay, but if you don't, he will flee from your house. So, always think positively. Don't welcome negative thoughts exuberantly, so that you will achieve positive results. Nonetheless, when you feel that your negative thoughts are dominating you, share them with great minds because a problem shared is a problem half-solved. BE HARDWORKING AND COMPETITIVE. Don't spend all day waiting for manner to fall from heaven! Be hardworking and compete with people better than you are. A brief flashback to my experience some years ago will vividly make my point clearer. Years ago, I was as slow as a snail in reading the Bible. One of the sisters in the church would always open and read the Bible whenever the Pastor mentioned any of the books. This embarrassed some brothers and me. After some time, we discovered that the secret to be as fast as she was is to compete with her! Eventually, many of the brothers couldn't continue this competition, but I never gave up. Today, I can open and read the Bible as fast as I can blink my eyes! I successfully achieved this result because I worked hard and competed with someone who was better than I am. However, do not forget to work in what gives you joy and interest. Stand with the strong, but stand for the weak. Then will your hardwork be crowned with success. Also, as you work, be conscious of time and always plan ahead. Time is money; if you waste your time, you waste money.
Always keep learning. Remember what Albert Eistein said, "once you stop learning, you start dying". Read motivational books like: The Power of Positive Thinking, As a Man Thinketh, You Can Heal your Life, Think and Grow Rich, etc. They will inspire and increase your knowledge greatly. BE HONEST AND TRUSTWORTHY "The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere", says Anne Morrow Lindbergh. Think before you talk, let your 'yes' be affirmative, and your 'no' be certain. Do not be under false colours, and dress neatly. People can define you with your dressing. I realised this when a friend of mine went for an interview with his eye glass on the forehead. "What is this thing called?" The interviewer asked him pointing at the eye glass. "It is called an eye glass, sir" my friend
replied. "I am sorry young man", the interviewer told him. "You cannot be interviewed, let alone be employed in this company". "Why sir", my friend questioned anxiously. "You can't be employed because your dressing has defined you as a disordered man. If you are employed, your work will be in disorder just like the way your eye glass is on your forehead instead of your eyes", the interviewer concluded and left him dumbfounded. So be careful with what you put on. Little things matter a lot.
Why worry while you can pray? Some youths may have been denied of their success by diabolical means, and only prayer can set them free from such situation. Particularly, when you have tried the following success principles and it doesn't work out, then pray your way out. Prayer is the final key to set yourself free from failure by opening the door of success. To draw the curtain, the summary of these secrets is that for you to be successful, you must have a VISION, take an ACTION, and PRAY with passion. It is after knowing and applying these secrets that you can realise your full potentials. If you really want to be successful in life, act now or never. Do not let your biography end with "And he died an unsuccessful man". They that have ears, let them hear.
Chief Administrator,
TYO Konsult Services.
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